Thursday, August 4, 2011

13 weeks [Yes I skipped 12 deal with it]

Whoo! Offically in the 2nd trimester!

Last week our little munchkin was a PLUM this week baby has grown into a yummy fuzzy PEACH! Roughly 3.9inches long and weighing in at about .81-.93oz our little sweetie is growing like a weed already! This week Peach is working on his/her vocal cords, oh joy! Let the screaming and whinning begin, haha. The 'truck' of Peach is getting even more 'normal' and the head to body ratio is starting to even out a bit more. 1:2 < yeah not so alien/creature from the deep like. Ooo and the intestines that started growing in the umbilical cord, make their way into their offical home of his/her belly (:

Update on ME: I have been taking my new BP meds religiously and they helped...for a while. BP is starting to creep back up again, so my doctor decided I should see someone in cardio and see if maybe they have a better plan to keep me in a safer range.  The side-effects of these meds are killer: constant headaches, dizzyness/light headedness, blurred vision ect ect. UGH!! What fun!
I also have been having really insane pains in my hips, pelvis and lower back. Normally I wouldn't think twice since I had these pains with Kaylee, but holy crapola! The last 3 nights it has been near unbarable, almost in tears kinda pain. Blek. Doc told me to wait a few more days and see in walking and pelvis 'rest' will help ease the pain a little. So we shall see what happens over the weekend and if it gets worse I will call back.
Ooo and in GOOD NEWS I found a fetal hb monitor used for a wonderfully low price of 40 bucks! This puppy is normally 125-150! I'd say I found a killer deal! Heck yes!
And in even BETTER NEWS we ARE in fact going to find out the sex of our little dumpling. Hubby decided he just couldn't wait! So I have been planning a Gender Reveal Partay for September! Only 5ish more weeks until we get too discover if daddy will be even more out numbered or not. (:
Kaylee still doesnt understand that she is going to be a BIG sister but she is now touching my tummy and asking to see the baby! (: My little smartie pants. I am seriously one lucky mommy to have such a wonderful and smart kiddo on my hands!

World meet my ever growing belly! I am getting B I G!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

11 weeks (:

Whew! We are slowly making it out of the first trimester! I swear its the longest, most trouble filled trimester. One more week, we can do it!

Well this week in baby news, our little sweetie has become a yummy looking medium sized LIME! Okay, maybe not yummy to many on its own, but limes and lemons are two of my many weird food cravings! Little Lime is currently a 1:1 ratio of head and body [haha] and the fingers and toes are offically unwebbed. Yay for real digits! Baby Limes skin is so thin you can see all the blood vessels inside the body! Holy smokes! But dont worry, s/he is safe inside my womb aka the oven. The beginnings of tooth buds, hair follicles and nail beds are forming this week! Our sweet lime is about 1.6-2.2inches long and weighs about a quarter of an ounce! This week baby's ears will begin their final stage of development [babies ears start from the inside out!] and will move into their rightful place on the side of little limes head.   IF baby is a girl, her ovaries are now starting to form as well.

So our little darling is looking more and more human and less like a creature from the deep! (: The nasal passages are open, the tiny tot has a tongue and palate in the mouth, and even nipples!

Doctor appointment Thursday for BP check and my "real" appointment the following Tuesday!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The REAL 10 week belly shot & Facts!

Yay for baby belly! Its growing (:

We are offically 10 weeks now (: Which means little Olive is now a Walnut/Prune. I like walnut much better, it sounds better than a wrickled little fruit that makes you poo. haha. Our sweet little Walnut is between 1.2 and 1.5 inches long and weights a whopping .14oz!!  The bones and cartilage are now forming, and the vital organs are now working! The baby can now move, wiggle and flop around which I have felt already!! :D The arms are now able to move with working arm joints and the tiny legs are soon to follow! The fingers and little tootsies continue to de-web and become individual digits! Yay!

Fun fact: Our baby will double to triple in size over the next 2-3 weeks! Mind Blowing if you ask me!

On the down side: I have high blood pressure, spilling protein [protein in the urine], swelling and constant headaches. All signs of Preclampsia! UGH! I had pre-e with Kaylee from 20 weeks on, but this is REALLY early to have it. I am on modified bedrest, I am still working while I can, which I am not supposed to do, but I am a Nanny so really its like being at home anyway. (:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

First Appointment and Ultrasound!

Appointment went wonderfully! Due date was changed to February 6th, which puts me at 9weeks 3days (: Got to hear the heartbeat which is now the current soundtrack of my life! I am so in love with this sweet little OLIVE. Yes I said Olive again haha. The baby is about an inch long and well you remember all the 9 week facts right? Well if not do some back tracking because I am not typing all that out again for those who dont pay attention. Haha.

My blood pressure is already high UGH but they gave me meds and new prenatals. I had my blood drawn again today for more tests. I have to pee in a jug for 24 hours starting tomorrow and turn it back in Friday. Gross right? Right! It has to be kept cold so we are getting a small cooler because I am not a fan on the idea that a jug of my PEE in sitting next to my yummy kiwi's!

Pap next time around and another u/s at 18 weeks. They are all for my giving birth naturally and already set me up wth the lady who runs the birth center they have at the hospital!

Hubby, Monster one and my sister were there as well. Hubby was blown away being able to see the little olive move around and hear that sweet woosh of the heart beat. BP was 157 which is just peachy! (:

My next appointment is July 26th. I can't wait! I will be able to hear the heartbeat again, maybe see the baby and well I am just excited!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

9 week belly and facts!

I am 9 weeks today! WOW! This is the beggining of my third month of pregnancy (: Time is going by so fast! Our first prenatal appointment is next Wednesday, where we will hopefully get an inside peak at our little OLIVE!

Thats right ladies and gents, our sweet little baby is now the size of a large green olive! .9 inches and weighing in at a whopping .07oz! This little gal/guy is moving on up in the world of fruit ha. Our little Olive is now considered a fetus, but again no matter the tech name for our kiddo its still our BABY. The facial features are becoming more pronouced and the heartbeat can be heard now with a standard doppler u/s device (:

Big changes for our sweet little monster and mommy! My belly has a noticable bump now, I am showing about 4 weeks ahead of when I started showing with Kaylee! My morning sickness has increased but sour candies and tons of water seem to help ease it away. I am getting more and more emotionally attached to my new little bean. And starting to realize, Kaylee wont be my one and only for much longer, so I am taking the time to cherish the moments we have alone and as a family of 3.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Baby Belly! weeks 7.5 & 8

Enjoy my growing tummy! I know I am (:

Our little raspberry!

Sorry ladies and gents for taking such a long time to do a baby update! I have been sleeping like total a nightmare, 2-5 hours a night on top of feeling ill!

Anyway on to the good stuff!

So our little baby is looking more and more human and less like an extraterrestrial being! S/he is as big as a large raspberry and is now moving around like crazy! The joints are starting to form in the elbow, wrist, knee, and ankle. Our little raspberry is about .63 inches big and weighs around .04 oz! So tiny still, but making huge changes! Baby will grow about a millimeter a day and will straighten out the trunk of the body during this week! The little webbed fingers and toes are starting to seperate into individual digits as well! So much going on in there! Only one more week until our little monster graduates to being a fetus, but no matter the technical term its our BABY!

Since this is my 2nd pregnancy I am more likely to feel the baby move earlier than before. They say some woman can feel the baby move as early as 10 weeks! Thats only 2 weeks away, holy smokes!