Thursday, June 9, 2011

2-28-11 BFN's & Other Drama

So I tested again today, another BFN![BigFatNegitive] What does a girl have to do to get pregnant around here?!
AF isnt supposed to be here until Monday or Tuesday, which means I still have a little time. I dont have any of my normal pms syptoms, which I usually get by now. I have no cramping, no headache, no bloating fat feeling. I guess that means there is still hope! lol

On a side note, hubby quit his job at Firestone!!  They finally pushed him to far. Back story: he always got the late shift, never got off on time, was denied breaks/timeoff/ect, was promised by the DM that he would have "Family Friendly Hours" since he is the only one with a small child but his Manager still gave him the 8-630 shift, which means he had to stay a lot until 8 because they dont close until 8 and he is the last tech there [they have helper techs but they can only do oil and tires] and when he got off at 8, he sometimes wouldnt get home until 830 or 9 which meant only an hour to see kaylee unless she was already in bed [which happend alot] AND HE STAYED THERE IN WORKED!!! He didnt want to screw anyone of his coworkers by quitting without a repacment.
So heres what went down:
GM: I have had enough of you telling people you have better things to do than be here 24/7.
Hubby: Well I do have a daughter I'd like to see, and a wife who needs me around more.
GM: Well, you have two choices, I can demote you to a regular tech working the 8-8 shift, which means youll be getting 3 dollars less an hour.
Hubby: I dont think so, I already work 10-12 hour days, and only get paid for 20-30 every week becuase you and ******** never give me tickets until 6pm when I need to leave.
GM: well you can quit if working here is such a hassle for you.
Hubby: Okay, bye. I'll clock out at 6 and pick up my tools tomorrow.

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